Year Released: K2000 in 1991, V3 released in 1995.
Date purchased: 2013
Paid: $300
Serial Nr: 21931202742
After years of listening to a friend dream about buying a K2000, and then more years of listening to him talk about how great the K2600 is that he eventually did buy, I ran across a K2000 for sale locally and thought I’d try one out.
It is one fantastic synth. It’s also a synth that samples as it has the sampling board.
It currently has the 3.16J OS and 32 Megs of ram. No Pram or expander boards. The internal floppy is jammed, but I’ve added an external 2 GB Iomega Jaz drive on it for moving sounds to it from my PC. It has no internal SCSI drive at this point. I do have a SCSI2SD v.5 waiting for installation.
I’ve yet to use it much as the Fairlight takes up much of my synth time.
Since photos of the exterior are easy to find, here are some photos of the interior of my K2000: