Here’s a basic output of a PSB “LOVEQUIK” disk. It’s from a Page R sequence playing back all 8 channels with the audio output recorded into the computer and mixed together.
The sequence ends rather abruptly, but I think it sounds just great, even lacking any processing. It just sounds like a Fairlight! And I’ve always loved the vocal sample in this song – it’s the QHIHA.VC sound.
Soundcloud Audio Only
The Fairlight Instrument file on this disk, LOVECOME.IN, contained the following voice files used in the Page R sequence:
- Track 1 – QKIK.VC
- Track 2 – QSIM.VC
- Track 3 – QHAT1.VC
- Track 4 – QHIHA.VC
- Track 5 – QBASS2.VC
- Track 6 – QCLAPREP.VC
- Track 7 – QBASS1.VC
- Track 8 – QTIMCOW.VC
The sequence ends rather abruptly, but I think it sounds just great, even lacking any processing. It just sounds like a Fairlight! And I’ve always loved the vocal sample in this song – it’s the QHIHA.VC sound.
Here’s a YouTube video of my Fairlight playing this QUICKLY.RS file.
LOVEQUIK Screen Shots
Here are some screen shots of the various system pages for this disk:

Page 2: Disk Control – lists the contents of the floppy disk.

Page 3: Register Control – The .IN instrument file has been loaded and this page shows voice allocation, sound mapping to keyboard zones, and tuning adjustments.

Page 7: Voice 1 – QKIK Control Parameters – shows routing and voice adjustments for parameters such as vibrato, looping, decay, sample start, loop, end.

Page D: Voice 1 – QKIK

Page 7: Voice 2 – QSIM

Page D: Voice 2 – QSIM

Page 7: Voice 5 – QBASS2

Page R Pattern Index. This can be seen by typing “X” into the command line. It displays the pattern numbers used in a sequence.

Bar 13, Pattern 13.

Bar 29, Pattern 17. “VERSE”

Bar 69, Pattern 33.”HERE COMES…”

Bar 86, Pattern 50.

Bar 90, Pattern 54.